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  • Jean-Paul Chaput's avatar
    Compensate diodes between RP clusters & wire clusters. · dd49a185
    Jean-Paul Chaput authored
    In Anabatic::AntennaProtect, when we cannot insert enough diodes
    under a wire cluster. Which makes it likely very long and over an
    area where diodes cannot be inserted (chip border close to I/O pads
    or over a macro-block). Request extra diode insertion on it's
    connecting RoutingPad clusters.
    * New: In Anabatic::DiodeCluster, add a "forced diode" counter for
        extra diodes inertions. Only used in the DiodeRps derived class.
    * New: In Anabatic::DiodeCluster, add support for a cluster to know
        it's neighbors. Stored as indexes of the table being built in
    * New: In Anabatic::antennaProtect(Net*), when builing the WireCluster,
        also find it's neigbors. Store the index of the cluster a segment
        belongs to in clusterSegments.