ghdl compilation of VST files, arrays of size 1 get treated as "bit" by ghdl
a signal which is bit_vector(1 downto 1) is being created:
signal dec30_dec30_rc_sel : bit_vector(1 downto 1);
signal dec30_dec30_sv_in2 : bit_vector(1 downto 1);
signal dec30_dec30_sv_in3 : bit_vector(1 downto 1);
signal dec30_dec30_upd : bit_vector(1 downto 1);
signal dec58_dec58_ldst_len : bit_vector(3 downto 3);
then it is referred to here:
subckt_442_dec30 : cmpt_dec30
port map ( opcode_in => opcode_in(31 downto 0)
, dec30_function_unit => dec30_dec30_rc_sel(1)
because dec30_dec30_rc_sel is declared as a bit_vector, but ghdl sees that it is a single bit, it cannot be accessed
../vst_src/cmpt_dec_171.vst:1456:37: can't associate indexed name with signal interface "dec30_function_unit"
../vst_src/cmpt_dec_171.vst:1456:37: (type of indexed name is bit)